Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Sooooo wrong

No, I am not hiding behind this cup. Ok, I am.

I know this is probably completely wrong or I just think it should be, but there is something about a friend showing up unshaven, funky hair and then opening his mouth and sounding too smart that makes me want to do him stupid.

The combination of appearing dishevelled but sounding effortlessly intelligent is a definite turn on. I'm not talking about love here and actually not even in the neighbourhood of it.
Him talking at length about anything he knows really well and can explain with even just a small degree of passion, is very sexy, whether he's aware of it or not.

So if he thinks showing up here unshaven and scruffy will deter me from wanting to jump him, he's wrong, dead wrong. I want to tell him, and probably should, to do me a favour next time, shave, comb your hair and talk about the Canadian mint fazing out the penny, or something equally, mind numbingly boring.

If there is a hell, and a special place for those guilty of deliciously, lascivious thoughts about their friends, then they'll be expecting me, but with my luck, he'll be there too, giving a workshop on something like quantum mechanics or binary code manufacturers.

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