Saturday, April 6, 2013

3rd year Fine Art year end Exhibit


  Heaving a huge sigh to have this year of my Fine Art Advanced Diploma program near it's end, culminating with our show at a downtown gallery in London, Ontario. At our last grading, where we have an area in one of the 1st or 2nd year studios to show our body of work in a professional display, they choose what will be in the year end show.
I had eleven mini galleries and one larger one hanging so when they emerged and said they wanted them all and two of my other pieces from last semester, I was giddy to say the least.

  This year has been an opportunity to concentrate on an area of art that I feel inspired by and create original work with no constraints, other than the usual money one. I was able to source materials at little to no cost and have amassed a body of work I am proud of because of that and because I stayed true to my (murky) vision.

  Now the time has come to move on and with that the decision, early in the year, of what that means and where it would take me. I have longed to go to Nova Scotia for longer than I can remember, mostly because my parents, now both dead, (one of which I had never met) met there, but also because I had heard so much about it.

  It doesn't hurt that one of the most prestigious Universities for studying the arts is in Halifax. I applied there and only there and received an acceptance letter about six weeks after applying to NSCAD University. Going there means applying for more students loans and I am not sure just how much I will be given as I am now going out of the province from where I am applying. I am scared but refuse to allow myself to be paralyzed by this.

  My daughter put it this way, quoting John Burroughs, when she said to me, leap and the net will appear. I am counting on it because I bruise and bleed so easily.

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